Back Pain Relief 4


Sciatica Relief

For all sciatic nerve conditions. Sacral and lumbar problems. Spinal problems. Pain from lower back down thighs to feet.


The sciatic nerve, part of the sacral plexus, originates in the spine, passes through the sciatic notch in the pelvis, and, with its branches-the medial, lateral and popliteal nerves-ends in the feet. When there is pressure on the sciatic nerve, it can feel completely crippling.


The lumbar plexus lies in the psoas muscle, and divides into two branches: the femoral nerve, supplying the front of the thigh, and the obdurator nerve, supplying the inner thigh.


Usage: 5 pills, 1-6x/day, as directed by a licensed practitioner.

We highly recommend that you order CR1, online consultation,  before starting the use of any of the products.


Please stop using the remedy once the symptoms are relieved.




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